Outline of correction and velocity calculations from SDO/HMI Images¶
In [ ]:
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sunpy.map
from sunpy.net import Fido
from sunpy.net import attrs as a
from sunpy.coordinates import frames
import SolAster.tools.rvs as rvs
import SolAster.tools.calculation_funcs as sfuncs
import SolAster.tools.lbc_funcs as lbfuncs
import SolAster.tools.coord_funcs as ctfuncs
import SolAster.tools.utilities as utils
from SolAster.tools.settings import *
from SolAster.tools.plotting_funcs import hmi_plot
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sunpy.map
from sunpy.net import Fido
from sunpy.net import attrs as a
from sunpy.coordinates import frames
import SolAster.tools.rvs as rvs
import SolAster.tools.calculation_funcs as sfuncs
import SolAster.tools.lbc_funcs as lbfuncs
import SolAster.tools.coord_funcs as ctfuncs
import SolAster.tools.utilities as utils
from SolAster.tools.settings import *
from SolAster.tools.plotting_funcs import hmi_plot
User inputted parameters.
In [ ]:
# name of csv file to store calculations
csv_name = 'csv_name'
# date range
start_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 21, 0, 00, 0)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 23, 0, 00, 0)
# query cadence in seconds
cadence = 24*3600
# name of instrument to use for calculation of RV model
# choose either 'NEID' or 'HARPS-N'
inst = 'NEID'
# True if outputting diagnostic plots
diagnostic_plots = True
# path to save diagnostic figure or none
save_fig = None
# name of csv file to store calculations
csv_name = 'csv_name'
# date range
start_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 21, 0, 00, 0)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 23, 0, 00, 0)
# query cadence in seconds
cadence = 24*3600
# name of instrument to use for calculation of RV model
# choose either 'NEID' or 'HARPS-N'
inst = 'NEID'
# True if outputting diagnostic plots
diagnostic_plots = True
# path to save diagnostic figure or none
save_fig = None
Setup CSV file and SDO/HMI querying parameters.
In [ ]:
# create file names
csv_file = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name+'.csv')
bad_dates_csv = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name+'_bad_dates.csv')
# print out csv title
print("Beginning calculation of values for csv file: " + csv_name)
# List of header strings
row_contents = ['date_obs', 'date_jd', 'v_quiet', 'v_disc', 'v_phot', 'v_conv', 'f_bright', 'f_spot', 'f', 'Bobs',
'vphot_bright', 'vphot_spot', 'f_small', 'f_large', 'f_network', 'f_plage', 'f_nonconv',
'quiet_flux', 'ar_flux', 'conv_flux', 'pol_flux', 'pol_conv_flux', 'vconv_quiet', 'vconv_large',
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_file, row_contents)
# get hmi data products
time_range = datetime.timedelta(seconds=22)
physobs_list = [a.Physobs.los_velocity, a.Physobs.los_magnetic_field, a.Physobs.intensity]
# get dates list
xy = (end_date - start_date).seconds + (end_date - start_date).days * 24 * 3600
dates_list = [start_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cadence*x) for x in range(0, int(xy/cadence))]
# create file names
csv_file = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name+'.csv')
bad_dates_csv = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name+'_bad_dates.csv')
# print out csv title
print("Beginning calculation of values for csv file: " + csv_name)
# List of header strings
row_contents = ['date_obs', 'date_jd', 'v_quiet', 'v_disc', 'v_phot', 'v_conv', 'f_bright', 'f_spot', 'f', 'Bobs',
'vphot_bright', 'vphot_spot', 'f_small', 'f_large', 'f_network', 'f_plage', 'f_nonconv',
'quiet_flux', 'ar_flux', 'conv_flux', 'pol_flux', 'pol_conv_flux', 'vconv_quiet', 'vconv_large',
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_file, row_contents)
# get hmi data products
time_range = datetime.timedelta(seconds=22)
physobs_list = [a.Physobs.los_velocity, a.Physobs.los_magnetic_field, a.Physobs.intensity]
# get dates list
xy = (end_date - start_date).seconds + (end_date - start_date).days * 24 * 3600
dates_list = [start_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cadence*x) for x in range(0, int(xy/cadence))]
Component calculations¶
Run through list to calculate and save values.
In [ ]:
for i, date in enumerate(dates_list):
# convert the date to a string -- required for use in csv file
date_str, date_obj, date_jd = utils.get_dates(date)
# pull image within specified time range
result = Fido.search(a.Time(str(date_obj - time_range), str(date_obj + time_range)),
a.Instrument.hmi, physobs_list[0] | physobs_list[1] | physobs_list[2])
# add file to list
file_download = Fido.fetch(result)
# remove unusable file types
good_files = []
for file in file_download:
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
if extension == '.fits':
if len(good_files) != 3:
# add the data
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'not three good files']
# print that the files are missing
print('\nNot three good files: ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
# convert to map sequence
map_seq = sunpy.map.Map(sorted(good_files))
# check for missing data types
missing_map = False
# split into data types
for j, map_obj in enumerate(map_seq):
if map_obj.meta['content'] == 'DOPPLERGRAM':
vmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'MAGNETOGRAM':
mmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'CONTINUUM INTENSITY':
imap = map_obj
missing_map = True
if missing_map:
print("Missing a data product for " + date_str)
# add the data
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'missing data product']
# coordinate transformation for maps
x, y, pdim, r, d, mu = ctfuncs.coordinates(vmap)
wij, nij, rij = ctfuncs.vel_coords(x, y, pdim, r, vmap)
# remove bad mu values
vmap, mmap, imap = ctfuncs.fix_mu(mu, [vmap, mmap, imap])
# calculate relative positions
deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij = sfuncs.rel_positions(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
# calculate spacecraft velocity
vsc = sfuncs.spacecraft_vel(deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap)
# optimized solar rotation parameters
a_parameters = [Parameters.a1, Parameters.a2, Parameters.a3]
# calculation of solar rotation velocity
vrot = sfuncs.solar_rot_vel(wij, nij, rij, deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap, a_parameters)
# calculate corrected velocity
corrected_vel = vmap.data - np.real(vsc) - np.real(vrot)
# corrected velocity maps
map_vel_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(corrected_vel, vmap, map_type='Corrected-Dopplergram',
# limb brightening
Lij = lbfuncs.limb_polynomial(imap)
# calculate corrected data
Iflat = imap.data / Lij
# corrected intensity maps
map_int_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(Iflat, imap, map_type='Corrected-Intensitygram',
# calculate unsigned field strength
Bobs, Br = sfuncs.mag_field(mu, mmap, B_noise=Parameters.B_noise, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
# corrected observed magnetic data map
map_mag_obs = sfuncs.corrected_map(Bobs, mmap, map_type='Corrected-Magnetogram',
# radial magnetic data map
map_mag_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(Br, mmap, map_type='Corrected-Magnetogram',
# calculate magnetic threshold
active, quiet = sfuncs.mag_thresh(mu, mmap, Br_cutoff=Parameters.Br_cutoff, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
# calculate intensity threshold
fac_inds, spot_inds = sfuncs.int_thresh(map_int_cor, active, quiet)
# create threshold array
thresh_arr = sfuncs.thresh_map(fac_inds, spot_inds)
# full threshold maps
map_full_thresh = sfuncs.corrected_map(thresh_arr, mmap, map_type='Threshold',
# create diagnostic plots
if i == 0:
if diagnostic_plots:
hmi_plot(map_int_cor, map_mag_obs, map_vel_cor, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu, save_fig=save_fig)
### velocity contribution due to convective motion of quiet-Sun
v_quiet = sfuncs.v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet)
### velocity contribution due to rotational Doppler imbalance of active regions (faculae/sunspots)
# calculate photospheric velocity
v_phot, vphot_bright, vphot_spot = sfuncs.v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### velocity contribution due to suppression of convective blueshift by active regions
# calculate disc-averaged velocity
v_disc = sfuncs.v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap)
# calculate convective velocity
v_conv = v_disc - v_quiet
### filling factor
# calculate filling factor
f_bright, f_spot, f = sfuncs.filling_factor(mu, mmap, active, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### unsigned magnetic flux
# unsigned observed flux
unsigned_obs_flux = sfuncs.unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap)
### calculate the area filling factor
pixA_hem = ctfuncs.pix_area_hem(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
area = sfuncs.area_calc(active, pixA_hem)
f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage = sfuncs.area_filling_factor(active, area, mu, mmap,
fac_inds, athresh=Parameters.athresh,
### get the unsigned flux
quiet_flux, ar_flux, conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux = sfuncs.area_unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap,
### get area weighted convective velocities
vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small = sfuncs.area_vconv(map_vel_cor, imap, active, area, athresh=Parameters.athresh)
### calculate model RV
rv_model = rvs.calc_model(inst, v_conv, v_phot)
# make array of what we want to save
save_vals = [rv_model, v_quiet, v_disc, v_phot, v_conv, f_bright, f_spot, f, unsigned_obs_flux, vphot_bright,
vphot_spot, f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage, quiet_flux, ar_flux,
conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux, vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small]
# round stuff
rounded = np.around(save_vals, 3)
round_vals = [date_str, date_jd]
for val in rounded:
# append these values to the csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_file, round_vals)
# print that the date is completed
print('\nCalculations and save to file complete for ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
print('Calculation complete for dates:', start_date, 'to', end_date)
for i, date in enumerate(dates_list):
# convert the date to a string -- required for use in csv file
date_str, date_obj, date_jd = utils.get_dates(date)
# pull image within specified time range
result = Fido.search(a.Time(str(date_obj - time_range), str(date_obj + time_range)),
a.Instrument.hmi, physobs_list[0] | physobs_list[1] | physobs_list[2])
# add file to list
file_download = Fido.fetch(result)
# remove unusable file types
good_files = []
for file in file_download:
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
if extension == '.fits':
if len(good_files) != 3:
# add the data
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'not three good files']
# print that the files are missing
print('\nNot three good files: ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
# convert to map sequence
map_seq = sunpy.map.Map(sorted(good_files))
# check for missing data types
missing_map = False
# split into data types
for j, map_obj in enumerate(map_seq):
if map_obj.meta['content'] == 'DOPPLERGRAM':
vmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'MAGNETOGRAM':
mmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'CONTINUUM INTENSITY':
imap = map_obj
missing_map = True
if missing_map:
print("Missing a data product for " + date_str)
# add the data
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'missing data product']
# coordinate transformation for maps
x, y, pdim, r, d, mu = ctfuncs.coordinates(vmap)
wij, nij, rij = ctfuncs.vel_coords(x, y, pdim, r, vmap)
# remove bad mu values
vmap, mmap, imap = ctfuncs.fix_mu(mu, [vmap, mmap, imap])
# calculate relative positions
deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij = sfuncs.rel_positions(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
# calculate spacecraft velocity
vsc = sfuncs.spacecraft_vel(deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap)
# optimized solar rotation parameters
a_parameters = [Parameters.a1, Parameters.a2, Parameters.a3]
# calculation of solar rotation velocity
vrot = sfuncs.solar_rot_vel(wij, nij, rij, deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap, a_parameters)
# calculate corrected velocity
corrected_vel = vmap.data - np.real(vsc) - np.real(vrot)
# corrected velocity maps
map_vel_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(corrected_vel, vmap, map_type='Corrected-Dopplergram',
# limb brightening
Lij = lbfuncs.limb_polynomial(imap)
# calculate corrected data
Iflat = imap.data / Lij
# corrected intensity maps
map_int_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(Iflat, imap, map_type='Corrected-Intensitygram',
# calculate unsigned field strength
Bobs, Br = sfuncs.mag_field(mu, mmap, B_noise=Parameters.B_noise, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
# corrected observed magnetic data map
map_mag_obs = sfuncs.corrected_map(Bobs, mmap, map_type='Corrected-Magnetogram',
# radial magnetic data map
map_mag_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(Br, mmap, map_type='Corrected-Magnetogram',
# calculate magnetic threshold
active, quiet = sfuncs.mag_thresh(mu, mmap, Br_cutoff=Parameters.Br_cutoff, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
# calculate intensity threshold
fac_inds, spot_inds = sfuncs.int_thresh(map_int_cor, active, quiet)
# create threshold array
thresh_arr = sfuncs.thresh_map(fac_inds, spot_inds)
# full threshold maps
map_full_thresh = sfuncs.corrected_map(thresh_arr, mmap, map_type='Threshold',
# create diagnostic plots
if i == 0:
if diagnostic_plots:
hmi_plot(map_int_cor, map_mag_obs, map_vel_cor, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu, save_fig=save_fig)
### velocity contribution due to convective motion of quiet-Sun
v_quiet = sfuncs.v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet)
### velocity contribution due to rotational Doppler imbalance of active regions (faculae/sunspots)
# calculate photospheric velocity
v_phot, vphot_bright, vphot_spot = sfuncs.v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### velocity contribution due to suppression of convective blueshift by active regions
# calculate disc-averaged velocity
v_disc = sfuncs.v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap)
# calculate convective velocity
v_conv = v_disc - v_quiet
### filling factor
# calculate filling factor
f_bright, f_spot, f = sfuncs.filling_factor(mu, mmap, active, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### unsigned magnetic flux
# unsigned observed flux
unsigned_obs_flux = sfuncs.unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap)
### calculate the area filling factor
pixA_hem = ctfuncs.pix_area_hem(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
area = sfuncs.area_calc(active, pixA_hem)
f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage = sfuncs.area_filling_factor(active, area, mu, mmap,
fac_inds, athresh=Parameters.athresh,
### get the unsigned flux
quiet_flux, ar_flux, conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux = sfuncs.area_unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap,
### get area weighted convective velocities
vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small = sfuncs.area_vconv(map_vel_cor, imap, active, area, athresh=Parameters.athresh)
### calculate model RV
rv_model = rvs.calc_model(inst, v_conv, v_phot)
# make array of what we want to save
save_vals = [rv_model, v_quiet, v_disc, v_phot, v_conv, f_bright, f_spot, f, unsigned_obs_flux, vphot_bright,
vphot_spot, f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage, quiet_flux, ar_flux,
conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux, vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small]
# round stuff
rounded = np.around(save_vals, 3)
round_vals = [date_str, date_jd]
for val in rounded:
# append these values to the csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_file, round_vals)
# print that the date is completed
print('\nCalculations and save to file complete for ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
print('Calculation complete for dates:', start_date, 'to', end_date)
Plotting results¶
Read in CSV with data.
In [ ]:
# csv file with rv components
csv_file = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, 'csv_name.csv')
# create pandas dataframe
component_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
# csv file with rv components
csv_file = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, 'csv_name.csv')
# create pandas dataframe
component_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
date_jd = component_df.date_jd.values
x = date_jd - date_jd[0]
y_list = [component_df.f.values, component_df.Bobs.values, component_df.v_conv.values, component_df.v_phot.values,
component_df.rv_model.values - np.median(component_df.rv_model.values)]
xlabel = 'Days since ' + str(int(date_jd[0])) + ' JD'
ylabel_list = [r'$\rm f$' '\n' r'$\rm$[%]',
r'$\rm B_{\rm obs}$' '\n' r'$\rm [G]$',
r'$\rm v_{\rm conv}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$',
r'$\rm v_{\rm phot}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$',
r'$\rm RV_{\rm model}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$']
plot_style = os.path.join(PlotDir.MPL, 'figure_series.mplstyle')
plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
plt.rcParams['mathtext.cal'] = 'Helvetica Neue LT Pro'
# set up figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(y_list), 1, sharex='all', figsize=[6, 1.5 * len(y_list)], gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0})
# set up axes labels
for i in range(0, len(axs)):
rng = (y_list[i].max() - y_list[i].min())
step = rng/6
ylim = (y_list[i].min() - step, y_list[i].max() + step)
yticks = np.arange(y_list[i].min(), y_list[i].max()+0.0002, step=step*2)
axs[i].set(ylim=ylim, yticks=yticks)
rng = (x.max() - x.min())
step = rng/6
xlim = (x.min() - step, x.max() + step)
xticks = np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+.001, step=step*2)
axs[i].set(xlim=xlim, xticks=xticks)
# plot data
for i in range(0, len(axs)):
axs[i].scatter(x, y_list[i], color='thistle', s=30, edgecolors='k', linewidths=0.8,
label='rms: ' + str(np.round(np.std(y_list[i]), 3)))
leg = axs[i].legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, loc='upper left')
for item in leg.legendHandles:
# align y axis labels
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
date_jd = component_df.date_jd.values
x = date_jd - date_jd[0]
y_list = [component_df.f.values, component_df.Bobs.values, component_df.v_conv.values, component_df.v_phot.values,
component_df.rv_model.values - np.median(component_df.rv_model.values)]
xlabel = 'Days since ' + str(int(date_jd[0])) + ' JD'
ylabel_list = [r'$\rm f$' '\n' r'$\rm$[%]',
r'$\rm B_{\rm obs}$' '\n' r'$\rm [G]$',
r'$\rm v_{\rm conv}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$',
r'$\rm v_{\rm phot}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$',
r'$\rm RV_{\rm model}$' '\n' r'$\rm[m s^{-1}]$']
plot_style = os.path.join(PlotDir.MPL, 'figure_series.mplstyle')
plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
plt.rcParams['mathtext.cal'] = 'Helvetica Neue LT Pro'
# set up figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(y_list), 1, sharex='all', figsize=[6, 1.5 * len(y_list)], gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0})
# set up axes labels
for i in range(0, len(axs)):
rng = (y_list[i].max() - y_list[i].min())
step = rng/6
ylim = (y_list[i].min() - step, y_list[i].max() + step)
yticks = np.arange(y_list[i].min(), y_list[i].max()+0.0002, step=step*2)
axs[i].set(ylim=ylim, yticks=yticks)
rng = (x.max() - x.min())
step = rng/6
xlim = (x.min() - step, x.max() + step)
xticks = np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+.001, step=step*2)
axs[i].set(xlim=xlim, xticks=xticks)
# plot data
for i in range(0, len(axs)):
axs[i].scatter(x, y_list[i], color='thistle', s=30, edgecolors='k', linewidths=0.8,
label='rms: ' + str(np.round(np.std(y_list[i]), 3)))
leg = axs[i].legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, loc='upper left')
for item in leg.legendHandles:
# align y axis labels