Calculation Functions Module
Tamar Ervin Date: June 16, 2021
functions for calculating Solar velocity corrections and components for derivation of SDO/HMI RVs
area_calc(active, pixA_hem)
calculate area of active pixels for a thresholded map
Based on Milbourne et al. (2019) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
float, array
pixel areas in uHem
float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def area_calc(active, pixA_hem):
calculate area of active pixels for a thresholded map
Based on Milbourne et al. (2019) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
pixA_hem: float, array
pixel areas in uHem
area: float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
# get labeling of image
labeled = label(active)
# get area of active regions
area = np.zeros(active.shape)
props = regionprops(labeled)
info = regionprops(labeled, pixA_hem)
# add area to array
for k in range(1, len(info)):
area[props[k].coords[:, 0], props[k].coords[:, 1]] = info[k].area * info[k].mean_intensity
return area
area_filling_factor(active, area, mu, mmap, fac_inds, athresh=20, mu_cutoff=0.3)
calculate filling factor for regions thresholded by area - differentiate between large and small regions - differentiate between plage (large) and network (small) bright regions
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
minimum mu cutoff value for usable data
filling factor (%) for small magnetically active regions
filling factor (%) for large magnetically active regions
filling factor (%) for network (small, bright magnetically active) regions
filling factor (%) for plage (large, bright magnetically active) regions
filling factor (%) for regions that do not suppress convective blueshift
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def area_filling_factor(active, area, mu, mmap, fac_inds, athresh=Parameters.athresh, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff):
calculate filling factor for regions thresholded by area
- differentiate between large and small regions
- differentiate between plage (large) and network (small) bright regions
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
area: float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
mu: float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
mmap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
fac_inds: int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
athresh: int
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
mu_cutoff: float
minimum mu cutoff value for usable data
f_small: float
filling factor (%) for small magnetically active regions
f_large: float
filling factor (%) for large magnetically active regions
f_network: float
filling factor (%) for network (small, bright magnetically active) regions
f_plage: float
filling factor (%) for plage (large, bright magnetically active) regions
f_nonconv: float
filling factor (%) for regions that do not suppress convective blueshift
# get good mu values
good_mu = np.where(mu > mu_cutoff)
# get number of pixels
npix = len([good_mu])
# get quiet pixels
quiet = 1 - active
# get filling factor for 'small' magnetic features
small = np.zeros(
small_inds = np.logical_and(active > 0.5, area < athresh)
small[small_inds] = 1.
f_small = np.nansum(small) / npix * 100
# get filling factor for 'large' magnetic features
large = np.zeros(
large_inds = np.logical_and(active > 0.5, area > athresh)
large[large_inds] = 1.
f_large = np.nansum(large) / npix * 100
# get filling factor for network (small, faculae regions)
network = np.zeros(
network_inds = np.logical_and(small > 0.5, fac_inds > 0.5)
network[network_inds] = 1.
f_network = np.nansum(network) / npix * 100
# get filling factor for plage (large, faculae regions)
plage = np.zeros(
plage_inds = np.logical_and(large > 0.5, fac_inds > 0.5)
plage[plage_inds] = 1.
f_plage = np.nansum(plage) / npix * 100
# # get filling factor for small, non-convective regions
# nonconv = np.zeros(
# nonconv_inds = np.logical_and(quiet > 0.5, small > 0.5)
# nonconv[nonconv_inds] = 1.
# f_nonconv = np.nansum(nonconv) / npix * 100
return f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage
area_unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap, area, active, athresh=20)
calculate the magnetic flux for different regions based on area cut and magnetic activitiy
corrected observed magnetic field strength Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
magnetic flux of quiet-Sun regions
magnetic flux of active regions
magnetic flux of regions that suppress convective blueshift
magnetic flux of polarized regions
magnetic flux of polarized regions that suppress the convective blueshift
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def area_unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap, area, active, athresh=Parameters.athresh):
calculate the magnetic flux for different regions based on area cut
and magnetic activitiy
map_mag_obs: map
corrected observed magnetic field strength Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
area: float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
athresh: int
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
quiet_flux: float
magnetic flux of quiet-Sun regions
ar_flux: float
magnetic flux of active regions
conv_flux: float
magnetic flux of regions that suppress convective blueshift
pol_flux: float
magnetic flux of polarized regions
pol_conv_flux: float
magnetic flux of polarized regions that suppress the convective blueshift
# get data arrays
i_data =
m_data =
mabs_data = np.abs(m_data)
quiet = 1 - active
# get large regions array
large = np.zeros(m_data.shape)
large_inds = np.logical_and(active > 0.5, area > athresh)
large[large_inds] = 1.
# calculate relevant fluxes
quiet_flux = np.nansum(mabs_data * i_data * quiet) / np.nansum(i_data * quiet)
ar_flux = np.nansum(mabs_data * i_data * active) / np.nansum(i_data * active)
conv_flux = np.nansum(mabs_data * i_data * large) / np.nansum(i_data * large)
pol_flux = np.nansum(m_data * i_data) / np.nansum(i_data)
pol_conv_flux = np.nansum(m_data * i_data * large) / np.nansum(i_data * large)
return quiet_flux, ar_flux, conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux
area_vconv(map_vel_cor, imap, active, area, athresh=20)
calculate convective velocities for different area thresholds
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
convective velocity due to quiet-Sun regions
convective velocity due to large active regions
convective velocity due to small active regions
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def area_vconv(map_vel_cor, imap, active, area, athresh=Parameters.athresh):
calculate convective velocities for different area thresholds
map_vel_cor: map
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
area: float, array
area of each active region weighted by its intensity
athresh: int
area threshold value between large and small regions (in uHem)
vconv_quiet: float
convective velocity due to quiet-Sun regions
vconv_large: float
convective velocity due to large active regions
vconv_small: float
convective velocity due to small active regions
# get data arrays
v_data =
i_data =
# get large regions array
large = np.zeros(v_data.shape)
large_inds = np.logical_and(active > 0.5, area > athresh)
large[large_inds] = 1.
# get small regions array
small = np.zeros(v_data.shape)
small_inds = np.logical_and(active > 0.5, area < athresh)
small[small_inds] = 1.
# label the regions
labeled = label(large)
v_props = regionprops(labeled, v_data)
i_props = regionprops(labeled, i_data)
# labeled for small regions
labeled = label(small)
v_small = regionprops(labeled, v_data)
i_small = regionprops(labeled, i_data)
# get quiet regions array
quiet = 1 - active
# array of non-convective regions
nonconv = np.zeros(v_data.shape)
nonconv_inds = np.logical_or(quiet > 0.5, small > 0.5)
nonconv[nonconv_inds] = 1.
# velocities of non convective regions
vel_quiet = np.nansum(v_data * i_data * quiet) / np.sum(i_data * quiet)
vel_nonconv = np.nansum(v_data * i_data * nonconv) / np.sum(i_data * nonconv)
# velocities of convective regions
vconv_large = np.zeros(len(v_props))
vconv_small = np.zeros(len(v_props))
vconv_quiet = np.zeros(len(v_props))
for k in range(len(v_props)):
vconv_large[k] = v_props[k].area * (v_props[k].mean_intensity - vel_quiet) * i_props[k].mean_intensity
vconv_small[k] = v_small[k].area * (v_small[k].mean_intensity - vel_quiet) * i_small[k].mean_intensity
vconv_quiet[k] = v_props[k].area * (v_props[k].mean_intensity - vel_nonconv) * i_props[k].mean_intensity
# convective velocity of quiet regions
vconv_quiet = np.nansum(vconv_quiet) / np.sum(i_data)
# convective velocity of large regions
vconv_large = np.nansum(vconv_large) / np.sum(i_data)
# convective velocity of small regions
vconv_small = np.nansum(vconv_small) / np.sum(i_data)
return vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small
corrected_map(corrected_data, smap, map_type, frame=<class 'sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington'>)
function to make Sunpy map object from corrected data
float, array
corrected velocity data
original Sunpy map object
map type
map type for 'content' section of fits header (string)
sunpy coordinate frame
new rotation frame
Sunpy map object with new frame information and corrected data
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def corrected_map(corrected_data, smap, map_type, frame=frames.HeliographicCarrington):
function to make Sunpy map object from corrected data
corrected_data: float, array
corrected velocity data
smap: map
original Sunpy map object
map_type: map type
map type for 'content' section of fits header (string)
frame: sunpy coordinate frame
new rotation frame
corr_map: map
Sunpy map object with new frame information and corrected data
# build SkyCoord instance in new frame
coord = SkyCoord(0 * u.arcsec, 0 * u.arcsec,, observer=smap.observer_coordinate,
# create fits header file with data and coordinate system information
header =, coord)
# update fits header with instrument and content information
header['content'] = map_type
header['telescop'] = smap.meta['telescop']
header['wavelnth'] = smap.meta['wavelnth']
# create new Sunpy map instance with corrected data
corr_map =, header)
return corr_map
filling_factor(mu, mmap, active, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=0.3)
function to calculate filling factors for faculae, sunspots, and total magnetically active regions - percentage of magnetically active pixels on the solar surface at any one time
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
minimum mu cutoff value
filling factor (%) for bright areas (faculae)
filling factor (%) for dark areas (sunspots)
f_total: float filling factor (%) for timestamp
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def filling_factor(mu, mmap, active, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff):
function to calculate filling factors for faculae, sunspots, and
total magnetically active regions
- percentage of magnetically active pixels on the solar surface at any one time
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
mu: float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
mmap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
fac_inds: int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
spot_inds: int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
mu_cutoff: float
minimum mu cutoff value
f_bright: float
filling factor (%) for bright areas (faculae)
f_spot: float
filling factor (%) for dark areas (sunspots)
f_total: float
filling factor (%) for timestamp
# get good mu values
good_mu = np.where(mu > mu_cutoff)
# get number of pixels
npix = len([good_mu])
# faculae
faculae = np.zeros(
faculae[fac_inds] = 1.
f_bright = np.sum(faculae) / npix * 100
# sunspots
spots = np.zeros(
spots[spot_inds] = 1.
f_spot = np.sum(spots) / npix * 100
# get filling factor
f_total = np.sum(active) / npix * 100
return f_bright, f_spot, f_total
int_thresh(map_int_cor, active, quiet)
function to do intensity thresholding and differentiate between faculae (bright) and sunspots (dark)
Based on Yeo et al. (2013) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
corrected (limb-darkening) Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
int, array
weights array where active pixels are 1
int, array
weights array where active pixels are 0
int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def int_thresh(map_int_cor, active, quiet):
function to do intensity thresholding and differentiate between faculae (bright) and sunspots (dark)
Based on Yeo et al. (2013) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
map_int_cor: map
corrected (limb-darkening) Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels are 1
quiet: int, array
weights array where active pixels are 0
fac_inds: int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
spot_inds: int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
# flattened intensity data
Iflat =
# calculate quiet sun intensity
int_quiet = np.nansum(Iflat * quiet) / np.nansum(quiet)
# intensity threshold
int_cutoff = 0.89 * int_quiet
# get faculae
fac_inds = np.logical_and((Iflat > int_cutoff), (active > 0.5))
# get sunspots
spot_inds = np.logical_and((Iflat <= int_cutoff), (active > 0.5))
return fac_inds, spot_inds
mag_field(mu, mmap, B_noise=8, mu_cutoff=0.3)
function to correct for unsigned magnetic field strength and magnetic noise
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
magnetic noise level in Gauss
minimum mu cutoff value
float, array
array of corrected observed magnetic field strength
float, array
array of corrected unsigned magnetic field strength
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def mag_field(mu, mmap, B_noise=Parameters.B_noise, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff):
function to correct for unsigned magnetic field strength and magnetic noise
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
mu: float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
mmap: map
Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
B_noise: int
magnetic noise level in Gauss
mu_cutoff: float
minimum mu cutoff value
Bobs: float, array
array of corrected observed magnetic field strength
Br: float, array
array of corrected unsigned magnetic field strength
# get valid indices
use_indices = np.logical_and(mu > mu_cutoff, mu != np.nan)
mag_indices = np.logical_and(use_indices, np.abs( < B_noise)
# calculate full magnetic field strength
Bobs =
Br = np.full(, fill_value=np.nan)
Br[use_indices] = Bobs[use_indices] / mu[use_indices]
Bobs[mag_indices] = 0
Br[mag_indices] = 0
return Bobs, Br
mag_thresh(mu, mmap, Br_cutoff=24, mu_cutoff=0.3)
function to calculate magnetic threshold and differentiate between magnetically active regions and quiet Sun
Based on Yeo et al. (2013) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
corrected (unsigned magnetic field) Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
minimum cutoff value (in Gauss) for thresholding active regions
minimum mu cutoff value for data to ignore
int, array
weights array where active pixels are 1
int, array
weights array where active pixels are 0
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def mag_thresh(mu, mmap, Br_cutoff=Parameters.Br_cutoff, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff):
function to calculate magnetic threshold and differentiate between magnetically active regions and quiet Sun
Based on Yeo et al. (2013) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
mu: float, array
array of mu (cosine theta) values
mmap: map
corrected (unsigned magnetic field) Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
Br_cutoff: int
minimum cutoff value (in Gauss) for thresholding active regions
mu_cutoff: float
minimum mu cutoff value for data to ignore
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels are 1
quiet: int, array
weights array where active pixels are 0
# get active region indices
active_inds = np.where(np.abs( * mu > Br_cutoff)
bad_mu = np.where(mu <= mu_cutoff)
# make active region array
active = np.zeros(mu.shape)
active[active_inds] = 1.
active[bad_mu] = 0.
# find isolated pixels
# get area
y_labeled = label(active, connectivity=2, background=0)
y_area = [props.area for props in regionprops(y_labeled)]
# area constraint
good_area = np.where(np.array(y_area) > 5)
good_area = good_area[0] + 1
active_indices = np.isin(y_labeled, good_area)
# create weights array
active[~active_indices] = 0
# get quiet indices
quiet = 1 - active
return active, quiet
map_sequence(dates_list, time_range=datetime.timedelta(seconds=6), instrument=< Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) object at 0x7fc1af637820>, wavelength=<, 171.0, 'Angstrom')>)
function to query sunpy for images within certain time range of dates in dates list user specified instrument and wavelength, otherwise default values: AIA 171A
datetime, list
list of dates, either datetime or strings
datetime timedelta
plus/minus time range to search for images in comparison to desired timestamp
astropy inst
Sunpy instrument of choice (AIA, HMI, LASCO, EIT)
astropy wvlth
desired wavelength of choice instrument
Sunpy map sequence object
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def map_sequence(dates_list, time_range=datetime.timedelta(seconds=6), instrument=a.Instrument.aia,
wavelength=a.Wavelength(171 * u.angstrom)):
function to query sunpy for images within certain time range of dates in dates list
user specified instrument and wavelength, otherwise default values: AIA 171A
dates_list: datetime, list
list of dates, either datetime or strings
time_range: datetime timedelta
plus/minus time range to search for images in comparison to desired timestamp
instrument: astropy inst
Sunpy instrument of choice (AIA, HMI, LASCO, EIT)
wavelength: astropy wvlth
desired wavelength of choice instrument
maps: map
Sunpy map sequence object
if isinstance(dates_list[0][0], str):
datetimes = [datetime.datetime.strptime(date[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') for date in dates_list]
datetimes = dates_list
downloaded_files = []
for ind, datetime_object in enumerate(datetimes):
# pull image within specified time range
result = - time_range), str(datetime_object + time_range)),
instrument, wavelength)
# add file to list
# build map sequence from files
maps =, sequence=True)
return maps
rel_positions(wij, nij, rij, smap)
function to calculate pixel-wise relative positions in new coordinate frame
float, array
array of westward values for image
float, array
array of northward values for image
float, array
array of radius values for image
Sunpy map object
float, array
relative westward position of pixel
float, array
relative northward position of pixel
float, array
relative radial position of pixel
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def rel_positions(wij, nij, rij, smap):
function to calculate pixel-wise relative positions in new coordinate frame
wij: float, array
array of westward values for image
nij: float, array
array of northward values for image
rij: float, array
array of radius values for image
smap: map
Sunpy map object
deltaw: float, array
relative westward position of pixel
deltan: float, array
relative northward position of pixel
deltar: float, array
relative radial position of pixel
dij: float
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
# calculate relative positions of each pixel
rsc = smap.meta['dsun_obs'] / smap.meta['rsun_ref']
deltaw = wij
deltan = nij
deltar = rij - rsc
dij = np.sqrt(deltaw ** 2 + deltan ** 2 + deltar ** 2)
return deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij
solar_rot_vel(wij, nij, rij, deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap, a_parameters=[14.713, -2.396, -1.787])
function to calculate pixel-wise velocities due to solar rotation
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
float, array
array of westward values for image
float, array
array of northward values for image
float, array
array of radius values for image
float, array
relative westward position of pixel
float, array
relative northward position of pixel
float, array
relative radial position of pixel
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
float, array
array of solar differential rotation parameters from Snodgrass & Ulrich (1990).
float, array
array of solar rotation velocities
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def solar_rot_vel(wij, nij, rij, deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap, a_parameters=[Parameters.a1, Parameters.a2, Parameters.a3]):
function to calculate pixel-wise velocities due to solar rotation
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
wij: float, array
array of westward values for image
nij: float, array
array of northward values for image
rij: float, array
array of radius values for image
deltaw: float, array
relative westward position of pixel
deltan: float, array
relative northward position of pixel
deltar: float, array
relative radial position of pixel
dij: float
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
vmap: map
Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
a_parameters: float, array
array of solar differential rotation parameters from Snodgrass & Ulrich (1990).
vrot: float, array
array of solar rotation velocities\
# apply to cartesian coordinates
x1 = wij
y1 = nij * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs'])) + rij * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs']))
z1 = - nij * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs'])) + rij * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs']))
hx = x1 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) + z1 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs']))
hy = y1
hz = -x1 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) + z1 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs']))
# apply parameters to determine vrot for given image pixel
w = (a_parameters[0] + a_parameters[1] * ((np.sin(hy)) ** 2) + a_parameters[2] * (
(np.sin(hy)) ** 4)) * 1. / 86400. * np.pi / 180.
# get projection of solar rotation
vx_rot = w * hz * vmap.meta['rsun_ref']
vy_rot = 0.
vz_rot = -w * hx * vmap.meta['rsun_ref']
v1 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) * vx_rot - np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) * vz_rot
v2 = vy_rot
v3 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) * vx_rot + np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crln_obs'])) * vz_rot
# project into correct direction
vrotw = v1
vrotn = v2 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs'])) - v3 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs']))
vrotr = v2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs'])) + v3 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(vmap.meta['crlt_obs']))
# get full rotational velocity
vrot = (deltaw * vrotw + deltan * vrotn + deltar * vrotr) / dij
return vrot
spacecraft_vel(deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap)
function to calculate pixel-wise spacecraft velocities for Sunpy map
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
float, array
relative westward position of pixel
float, array
relative northward position of pixel
float, array
relative radial position of pixel
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
float, array
array of spacecraft velocities
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def spacecraft_vel(deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap):
function to calculate pixel-wise spacecraft velocities for Sunpy map
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
deltaw: float, array
relative westward position of pixel
deltan: float, array
relative northward position of pixel
deltar: float, array
relative radial position of pixel
dij: float
distance between pixel ij and spacecraft
vmap: map
Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
vsc: float, array
array of spacecraft velocities
# velocity of spacecraft relative to sun
vscw = vmap.meta['obs_vw']
vscn = vmap.meta['obs_vn']
vscr = vmap.meta['obs_vr']
# pixel-wise magnitude of spacecraft velocity
vsc = - (deltaw * vscw + deltan * vscn + deltar * vscr) / dij
return vsc
thresh_map(fac_inds, spot_inds)
function that creates thresholded map of sunspots (-1) and faculae (1)
int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
int, array
array of values denoting faculae (1) and sunspots (-1)
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def thresh_map(fac_inds, spot_inds):
function that creates thresholded map of sunspots (-1) and faculae (1)
fac_inds: int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
spot_inds: int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
thresh_arr: int, array
array of values denoting faculae (1) and sunspots (-1)
thresh_arr = np.full(shape=fac_inds.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
thresh_arr[fac_inds] = 1
thresh_arr[spot_inds] = -1
return thresh_arr
unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap)
calculate unsigned magnetic flux
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
corrected observed magnetic field strength Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
unsigned magnetic flux
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap):
calculate unsigned magnetic flux
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
map_mag_obs: map
corrected observed magnetic field strength Sunpy map object (Magnetogram)
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
unsign_flux: float
unsigned magnetic flux
# get data arrays
i_data =
m_data =
mabs_data = np.abs(m_data)
# unsigned flux
unsign_flux = np.nansum(mabs_data * i_data) / np.nansum(i_data)
return np.abs(unsign_flux)
v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap)
function to calculate disc-averaged velocity of Sun
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
disc averaged velocity of Sun
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap):
function to calculate disc-averaged velocity of Sun
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
map_vel_cor: map
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
v_disc: float
disc averaged velocity of Sun
v_disc = np.nansum( * / np.nansum(
return v_disc
v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=0.3)
function to calculate photometric velocity due to rotational Doppler variation
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 0
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
float, array
limb-darkening polynomial function
float, array
solar rotational velocity
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
float, array
array of mu values
int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
minimum mu cutoff value
photospheric velocity perturbation
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff):
function to calculate photometric velocity due to rotational Doppler variation
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
quiet: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 0
active: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
Lij: float, array
limb-darkening polynomial function
vrot: float, array
solar rotational velocity
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
mu: float, array
array of mu values
fac_inds: int, array
array of indices where faculae are detected
spot_inds: int, array
array of indices where sunspots are detected
mu_cutoff: float
minimum mu cutoff value
v_phot: float
photospheric velocity perturbation
# get good mu values
good_mu = np.where(mu > mu_cutoff)
# calculate K scaling factor
K = np.nansum( * Lij * quiet) / np.sum((Lij[good_mu] ** 2) * quiet[good_mu])
# calculate photospheric velocity
v_phot = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * active) / np.nansum(
# faculae driven photospheric velocity
vphot_bright = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * fac_inds) / np.nansum(
# sunspots driven photospheric velocity
vphot_spot = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * spot_inds) / np.nansum(
return v_phot, vphot_bright, vphot_spot
v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet)
function to calculate velocity due to convective motion of quiet-Sun
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 0
quiet-Sun velocity
Source code in SolAster/tools/
def v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet):
function to calculate velocity due to convective motion of quiet-Sun
Based on Haywood et al. (2016) and described in Ervin et al. (2021) - In Prep.
map_vel_cor: map
corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
imap: map
UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
quiet: int, array
weights array where active pixels have weight = 0
v_quiet: float
quiet-Sun velocity
v_quiet = np.nansum( * * quiet) / np.nansum( * quiet)
return v_quiet