RV Calculation Module
Tamar Ervin Date: October 7, 2021
pipeline function to calculate 'sun-as-a-star' RVs
calc_model(inst, v_conv, v_phot)
instrument for ground-based RVs
arr, float
convective velocity values
arr, float
photometric velocity values
arr, float
model RV values
Source code in SolAster/tools/rvs.py
def calc_model(inst, v_conv, v_phot):
inst: str
instrument for ground-based RVs
v_conv: arr, float
convective velocity values
v_phot: arr, float
photometric velocity values
RV: arr, float
model RV values
if inst == 'HARPS-N':
elif inst == 'NEID':
raise Exception('The instrument', inst,
'is not currently supported by SolAster. Choose either \'HARPS-N\', or \'NEID\'.')
RV = A * v_phot + B * v_conv + RV0
return RV
calc_rvs(start_date, end_date, cadence, inst='NEID', csv_name=None, diagnostic_plots=False, save_fig=None)
function to calculate rv components using pipeline functions
Calculation pipeline described in Ervin et al. (2021) - Submitted. and based on Haywood et al. (2016), Milbourne et al. (2019) using the technique developed by Meunier, Lagrange & Desort (2010) for SoHO/MDI images.
start date of RV calculations (datetime object)
end date of RV calculations (datetime object)
how often to calculate RV components
instrument to use to fit for RVs ('NEID' or 'HARPS-N')
name of file to store calculations in
whether or not to create diagnostic plots showing HMI images and active region detection
path to save diagnostic plot or None if not saving
Source code in SolAster/tools/rvs.py
def calc_rvs(start_date, end_date, cadence, inst='NEID', csv_name=None, diagnostic_plots=False, save_fig=None):
function to calculate rv components using pipeline functions
Calculation pipeline described in Ervin et al. (2021) - Submitted. and based on
Haywood et al. (2016), Milbourne et al. (2019) using the technique
developed by Meunier, Lagrange & Desort (2010) for SoHO/MDI images.
start_date: datetime
start date of RV calculations (datetime object)
end_date: datetime
end date of RV calculations (datetime object)
cadence: int
how often to calculate RV components
inst: str
instrument to use to fit for RVs ('NEID' or 'HARPS-N')
csv_name: str
name of file to store calculations in
diagnostic_plots: bool
whether or not to create diagnostic plots showing HMI images and active region detection
save_fig: str
path to save diagnostic plot or None if not saving
# check input formats
start_date, end_date, cadence, csv_name = utils.check_inputs(CsvDir.CALC, start_date, end_date, cadence, csv_name)
csv_name = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name + '.csv')
bad_dates_csv = os.path.join(CsvDir.CALC, csv_name + '_bad_dates.csv')
# print out csv title
print("Beginning calculation of values for csv file: " + csv_name)
# List of header strings
row_contents = ['date_obs', 'date_jd', 'rv_model', 'v_quiet', 'v_disc', 'v_phot', 'v_conv', 'f_bright', 'f_spot',
'f', 'Bobs', 'vphot_bright', 'vphot_spot', 'f_small', 'f_large', 'f_network', 'f_plage',
'quiet_flux', 'ar_flux', 'conv_flux', 'pol_flux', 'pol_conv_flux', 'vconv_quiet', 'vconv_large',
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_name, row_contents)
# get hmi data products
time_range = datetime.timedelta(seconds=22)
physobs_list = [a.Physobs.los_velocity, a.Physobs.los_magnetic_field, a.Physobs.intensity]
# get dates list
xy = (end_date - start_date).seconds + (end_date - start_date).days * 24 * 3600
dates_list = [start_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cadence * x) for x in range(0, int(xy / cadence))]
for i, date in enumerate(dates_list):
# convert the date to a string -- required for use in csv file
date_str, date_obj, date_jd = utils.get_dates(date)
# pull image within specified time range
result = Fido.search(a.Time(str(date_obj - time_range), str(date_obj + time_range)),
a.Instrument.hmi, physobs_list[0] | physobs_list[1] | physobs_list[2])
# add file to list
file_download = Fido.fetch(result)
# remove unusable file types
good_files = []
for file in file_download:
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
if extension == '.fits':
if len(good_files) != 3:
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'not three good files']
utils.append_list_as_row(bad_dates_csv, save_vals)
# print that the files are missing
print('\nNot three good files: ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
# convert to map sequence
map_seq = sunpy.map.Map(sorted(good_files))
# check for missing data types
missing_map = False
# split into data types
for j, map_obj in enumerate(map_seq):
if map_obj.meta['content'] == 'DOPPLERGRAM':
vmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'MAGNETOGRAM':
mmap = map_obj
elif map_obj.meta['content'] == 'CONTINUUM INTENSITY':
imap = map_obj
missing_map = True
if missing_map:
print("Missing a data product for " + date_str)
# add the data
# append these values to the csv file
save_vals = [date_str, 'missing data product']
utils.append_list_as_row(bad_dates_csv, save_vals)
# coordinate transformation for maps
x, y, pd, r, d, mu = ctfuncs.coordinates(vmap)
wij, nij, rij = ctfuncs.vel_coords(x, y, pd, r, vmap)
# remove bad mu values
vmap, mmap, imap = ctfuncs.fix_mu(mu, [vmap, mmap, imap])
# calculate relative positions
deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij = sfuncs.rel_positions(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
# calculate spacecraft velocity
vsc = sfuncs.spacecraft_vel(deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap)
# optimized solar rotation parameters
a_parameters = [Parameters.a1, Parameters.a2, Parameters.a3]
# calculation of solar rotation velocity
vrot = sfuncs.solar_rot_vel(wij, nij, rij, deltaw, deltan, deltar, dij, vmap, a_parameters)
# calculate corrected velocity
corrected_vel = vmap.data - np.real(vsc) - np.real(vrot)
# corrected velocity maps
map_vel_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(corrected_vel, vmap, map_type='Corrected-Dopplergram',
# limb brightening
Lij = lbfuncs.limb_polynomial(imap)
# calculate corrected data
Iflat = imap.data / Lij
# corrected intensity maps
map_int_cor = sfuncs.corrected_map(Iflat, imap, map_type='Corrected-Intensitygram',
# calculate unsigned field strength
Bobs, Br = sfuncs.mag_field(mu, mmap, Parameters.B_noise, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
# corrected observed magnetic data map
map_mag_obs = sfuncs.corrected_map(Bobs, mmap, map_type='Corrected-Magnetogram',
# calculate magnetic threshold
active, quiet = sfuncs.mag_thresh(mu, mmap, Br_cutoff=Parameters.Br_cutoff,
# calculate intensity threshold
fac_inds, spot_inds = sfuncs.int_thresh(map_int_cor, active, quiet)
# create threshold array
thresh_arr = sfuncs.thresh_map(fac_inds, spot_inds)
# create diagnostic plots
if i == 0:
if diagnostic_plots:
hmi_plot(map_int_cor, map_mag_obs, map_vel_cor, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu, save_fig)
### velocity contribution due to convective motion of quiet-Sun
v_quiet = v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet)
### velocity contribution due to rotational Doppler imbalance of active regions (faculae/sunspots)
# calculate photospheric velocity
v_phot, vphot_bright, vphot_spot = v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds,
spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### velocity contribution due to suppression of convective blueshift by active regions
# calculate disc-averaged velocity
v_disc = v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap)
# calculate convective velocity
v_conv = v_disc - v_quiet
### filling factor
# calculate filling factor
f_bright, f_spot, f = sfuncs.filling_factor(mu, mmap, active, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=Parameters.mu_cutoff)
### unsigned magnetic flux
# unsigned observed flux
unsigned_obs_flux = sfuncs.unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap)
### calculate the area filling factor
pixA_hem = ctfuncs.pix_area_hem(wij, nij, rij, vmap)
area = sfuncs.area_calc(active, pixA_hem)
f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage, f_nonconv = sfuncs.area_filling_factor(active, area, mu, mmap,
### get the unsigned flux
quiet_flux, ar_flux, conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux = sfuncs.area_unsigned_flux(map_mag_obs, imap,
active, athresh=Parameters.athresh)
### get area weighted convective velocities
vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small = sfuncs.area_vconv(map_vel_cor, imap, active, area, athresh=Parameters.athresh)
### calculate model RV
rv_model = calc_model(inst, v_conv, v_phot)
# make array of what we want to save
save_vals = [rv_model, v_quiet, v_disc, v_phot, v_conv, f_bright, f_spot, f, unsigned_obs_flux,
vphot_spot, f_small, f_large, f_network, f_plage, quiet_flux, ar_flux,
conv_flux, pol_flux, pol_conv_flux, vconv_quiet, vconv_large, vconv_small]
# round stuff
rounded = np.around(save_vals, 3)
round_vals = [date_str, date_jd]
for val in rounded:
# append these values to the csv file
utils.append_list_as_row(csv_name, round_vals)
# print that the date is completed
print('\nCalculations and save to file complete for ' + date_str + ' index: ' + str(i))
print('Calculation complete for dates:', start_date, 'to', end_date)