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Calculation of RV Components

After the data corrections and identification of solar regions, we are able to calculate the individual feature components that make up the SDO derived RV variation.

Photometric Velocity

Estimation of rotational Doppler imbalance due to active (faculae/darkspot) regions

Calculation of the photometric velocity due the presence of dark spots/bright faculae causing a Doppler imbalance. Requires an active region based magnetic weighting array. A weight of 0 denotes quiet-Sun and 1 denotes active pixel.

The equation for this velocity calculation is: v_{phot} = \frac{\sum_{ij} v_{rot, ij} (I_{ij} - K) W_{ij}} {\sum_{ij} I_{ij}}.

K is a scaling factor based off the limb-brightening correction. K = \frac{\sum_{ij} I_{ij} L_{ij} W_{ij}}{\sum_{ij} L_{ij}^2 W_{ij}}

In this case I_{ij} is the uncorrected (original) intensity data.

We are also able to use out intensity weighting to calculate photometric velocities due to just faculae/network or sunspot regions.

def v_phot(quiet, active, Lij, vrot, imap, mu, fac_inds, spot_inds, mu_cutoff=0.3):
    function to calculate photometric velocity due to rotational Doppler variation

    quiet: weights array where active pixels have weight = 0
    active: weights array where active pixels have weight = 1
    Lij: limb-darkening polynomial function
    vrot: solar rotational velocity
    imap: UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
    mu: array of mu values
    fac_inds: array of indices where faculae are detected
    spot_inds: array of indices where sunspots are detected
    mu_cutoff: minimum mu cutoff value

    v_phot: photospheric velocity perturbation (float)


    # get good mu values
    good_mu = np.where(mu > mu_cutoff)

    # calculate K scaling factor
    K = np.nansum( * Lij * quiet) / np.sum((Lij[good_mu] ** 2) * quiet[good_mu])

    # calculate photospheric velocity
    v_phot = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * active) / np.nansum(

    # faculae driven photospheric velocity
    vphot_bright = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * fac_inds) / np.nansum(

    # sunspots driven photospheric velocity
    vphot_spot = np.nansum(np.real(vrot) * ( - K * Lij) * spot_inds) / np.nansum(

    return v_phot, vphot_bright, vphot_spot

Convective Velocity

Estimation due to the suppression of the convective blueshift by magnetically active regions

Calculation of suppression of convective blueshift due to active regions (mainly faculae).

The basic premise for calculation is to calculate the disc-averaged velocity of the Sun and subtract from that the quiet-Sun velocity.

We then calculate the convective velocity as what is left: v_{conv} = v - v_{quiet}

Quiet Sun Velocity

Estimation of average RV of quiet-Sun due to convective motion

Calculate the velocity due to the convective motion of the quiet-Sun. Requires the magnetic weighting array we built in step six, part one. A weight of 0 denotes an active pixel, and 1 is quiet-Sun.

The equation for calculating this quiet-Sun velocity is as such: v_{quiet} = \frac{\sum_{ij} (v_{ij} - \delta v_{sc, ij} - \delta v_{rot, ij}) I_{ij} W_{ij}} {\sum_{ij} I_{ij} W_{ij}}.

In this case I_{ij} is the uncorrected (original) intensity data.

def v_quiet(map_vel_cor, imap, quiet):
    function to calculate velocity due to convective motion of quiet-Sun

    map_vel_cor: corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
    imap: UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)
    quiet: weights array where active pixels have weight = 0

    v_quiet: quiet-Sun velocity (float)


    v_quiet = np.nansum( * * quiet) / np.nansum( * quiet)

    return v_quiet

Full Disc Velocity

Total corrected (spacecraft motion, solar rotation) disk-averaged velocity of the Sun

The equation for the disc-averaged velocity is: v = \frac{\sum_{ij} (v_{ij} - \delta v_{sc, ij} - \delta v_{rot, ij}) I_{ij}}{\sum_{ij} I_{ij}}.

def v_disc(map_vel_cor, imap):
    function to calculate disc-averaged velocity of Sun

    map_vel_cor: corrected (velocities) Sunpy map object (Dopplergram)
    imap: UNCORRECTED Sunpy map object (Intensitygram)

    v_disc: disc averaged velocity of Sun (float)


    v_disc = np.nansum( * / np.nansum(

    return v_disc
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